Welcome To Zac and Lily
Baking is good for little minds in so many ways. Here at Zac and Lily we make fun and exciting products to get little people into the kitchen. With one of our kits there's no recipe books and no expensive ingredients that you’ll never use again, just hands in the bowl squishing, mixing and creating yummy goodies to be proud of.
Our mixes come with all the best ingredients in all the right amounts - home baking made simple. Shop here to get started.
Featured Products

Magical fun chocolate biscuit mix party favour
Say thank you to your party guests with a beautiful little personalised shortbread mix

Party favour mix
Say thank you to your party guests with a beautiful little personalised shortbread mix and biscuit cutter.
From One Of Our Happy Customers…
I loved it, it was good squishy fun. Deeeelicious!
Brody age 3
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“Gorgeous gifts”
“Absolutely heavenly”
“Simple to use”